Monday, June 6, 2011

Random Ramblings

School has started. It has been about three weeks and it is completely different than last semester. I know what I’m doing (I think) and I have so much more control. During vacation, there was a good chunk of time where I thought “I can’t do this again.” I was loving the backpacker lifestyle, but now that I’m with the students- all my anxieties and dread went away and here I am, back in Suphan, as Kru Nell. And I CAN do it. What I can’t do, however, is write a coherent blog post. So here are my random ramblings....
1. I’m 25. Thanks to Kru Sarah, I have 120 birthday cards (and a tuk-tuk necklace!). Thanks to my friends, I had a great time in Bangkok celebrating and eating Mexican. Thanks to Thailand, I am not having a quarter life crisis....well, maybe Thailand is the quarter life crisis. Thanks to my family and friends back home, I had a big smile on my face the whole day. You all rock. 

2. I experienced Thai hospital #2 and it was so much better than round 1. I had an allergic reaction to a bug bite which led to me putting on a band-aid, to which I had an even worse reaction the adhesive, which led me to a swollen, disgusting, throbbing foot, which led me to the hospital where I was given lots of antibiotics and told I had a secondary bacterial infection. Fun! Slash.....gross!

3. I went to the Legend of Rock concert in Suphan last weekend. Four members from very reputable bands came together for one night and one night only for a night of pure magic. It was awesome. I fell in love with the drummer. 

4. A family of geckos has officially moved into my room. Pro: Less bugs in my room Con: The mother/father (how do you tell the sex of a gecko?) is a pretty loud squeaker.

5. I can’t stop listening to Adele or The Black Keys. I’m really digging the Coldwar Kids, too.

6. Should I go to grad school? I bought a GRE prep book as a motivator. Maybe I am having a quarter life crisis. 

7. One of my students is OBSESSED with Justin Bieber. All of the teachers simply call her Bieber. She puts it on her notebooks, her homework, her tests, her hand, her facebook get the point.... she’s Bieber. Anyways, in a recent journal writing, she informed me that there was going to be a Bieber flash mob in Suphan. I committed. I think I’m a Belieber

8. I want to bake these....and these....and eat a lot of this

9. I bought a sketchbook and have spent hours consumed in it. I forgot how fun it was to draw. 

10. I re-watched Season 2 of How I Met Your Mother and was reminded of this gem. I’ve had Let’s Go to the Mall stuck in my head for 5 days.

11. Sarah found a photo hunt machine in Suphan. The next 4 months just got SO much better. It was an addiction back home...and I was pretty, pretty good at it, so this is really exciting news.

12. I miss my friends. 

13. I missed the NKOTBSB concert in Boston and it actually hurts to think about it. Seriously?! That duo is perfection. Jing jing!

14. I saw the Hangover 2. I thought it was funny, and I loved that I was in Bangkok while watching it, but it wasn’t as funny as the first one.  What did you think?

15. I have another student who randomly wants to learn Spanish, so I teach him what little I know and he is pretty darn good at it. His name is Arm (awesome). So, basically, I am teaching him two languages at big deal. 

16. I want to play with Cam so badly. It breaks my heart that I can’t. 

17. It rains here a lot. It is officially rainy season and YIKES DADDY it rains hard. The rain brings out the frogs, which are, for the most part, cute. But the other day, on our way back from Pad Thai Lady, Sarah and I saw a pair of boys with a plastic bag chasing down the frogs and capturing them. So sad, but I guess they had a pretty good dinner that night. 

18. Thailand is hot. I’m sweating. I need to take a shower.

19. I still hate cold showers. 

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